T-Rex exhibit at Perot Museum gives an interactive look at the 'Ultimate Predator'

An incredible new exhibit at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas is letting you get an up-close look at the T-Rex.

You and your family can see what the king of the dinosaurs actually looked like and see its evolution through the years.


"This exhibit really pulls together a lot of different elements of the story of Tyrannosaurus Rex," said Dr. Ron Tykoski. "Most people think of Tyrannosaurus Rex and see a big skeleton, big pile of bones, whatever. But this really tells you about what these animals were like when they were alive."

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The new exhibit digs into how the T-Rex was able to "dominate its competition" and shows off how paleontologists study fossil records to explore the biology and behavior of the dinosaur.

"How they lived, how they died, how they hunted, how they avoided getting hunted, how they hurt themselves, how they healed and survived over time. And this brings together a lot of different elements to show people these were real living breathing animals and not just big movie monsters," said Dr. Tykoski.

In addition to the towering T-Rexes, the exhibit also includes an interactive video board that the family will love.

The exhibit is open at the Perot through Sept. 22, 2024.