Balloon release held for victim of Kaufman County flooding as residents continue cleanup
Memorial held for woman killed in Kaufman Co. flooding
Sheila Butler was one of two people killed in Kaufman Co. after flooding in later October. Close friends held a balloon release for Butler who was killed while she was driving to work.
KAUFMAN, Texas - Kaufman County residents are still cleaning up after major floods swept through neighborhoods a week ago.
Officials say more than 20 homes were impacted in some way, some with major damage or destroyed.
Two people were killed in the flooding, including Sheila Butler, who was headed to work.
Close friends of Butler held a balloon release in her honor.

The news of her death came with a knock at the door friend Sandy Pack won’t forget.
"The sheriff department showed up and he asked me if she lived here and I said that she did. Then he gave me the news she had passed in the flood," she recalled.
The deputy let her know her co-worker, roommate, and friend died after her vehicle was swept off by floodwaters on FM 1390 in Kaufman County.
It left Pack heartbroken.
"It just pulled my heart out. She means so much to us. I mean, at work she was woven into all these people’s families' lives," Pack said. "She left early to go to work that morning. It was extra dark."
The Kaufman Emergency Management coordinator said there were 20 homes that had major damage or were destroyed just over a week ago.
The cleanup continues, and he expects that number to go up. He said there are 10 to 15 homes with damage or impacted in some small way.
"My understanding that was the worst flood we’ve had in 100 years," Pack said.
A flood that took away Pack’s longtime friend, who she’d known for 25 to 30 years.
"She became my sister. She became my family. She was here for all my grandkids," Pack added.
Pack shared how she’s getting through the tragedy.
"One day at a time, ma’am. One day at a time. That’s all you can do," Pack said. "She was a wonderful person. I’m just sorry that God had to take her this soon."