Arlington motorcycle officer injured in Pantego crash, elderly driver cited

An Arlington police officer is in the hospital after a crash in Pantego, less than 15 miles southeast of Fort Worth.

Several departments were called to the area of West Park Row Drive and Woodland West Drive shortly before 1 p.m. Wednesday.

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Images from SKY 4 showed a motorcycle and a car in front of the Morada Pantego Senior Living Facility.

Arlington police confirmed one of its motorcycle officers was hit by an elderly woman who ran a stop sign.

Her car appeared to have the most damage, with the bumper torn off and the hood crushed.

"I was on my lunch break, and I was at the stop light and I heard a loud bang, and I was like, what just happened?" said Joshlan Beard, who witnessed the crash. "I turned into Tom Thumb, I sat for a few minutes and looked around and heard the police coming from everywhere."

The injured officer was taken to the hospital with a broken bone. He remains hospitalized and is scheduled to undergo surgery soon.


Dallas PD officer injured after squad car struck while blocking traffic

A Dallas police officer was taken to a hospital as a precaution after their patrol vehicle was struck while blocking traffic in South Dallas.

"When APD employees visited him yesterday, they reported he was in good spirits and was even cracking some jokes with them," the police department said.

The driver of the car suffered only minor injuries and was taken to the hospital as a precaution.

Police said she will receive a citation for failing to stop at the stop sign.