Hometown Hero: Kevin Bodnar

Two days a week Kevin Bodnar fills Texas Scottish Rite Hospital with his beautiful music. He's a self-taught pianist who stared playing when he was 8 years old. Kevin is 40 and plays his own compositions.
He's volunteered at the hospital for two years and his reason is personal. When he was 6 he started treatment there for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. Numerous tumors were growing on his internal organs. While his case is mild, other people with TSC can have seizures and be on the autism spectrum.
Kevin's health is good and he's grateful for the treatment he received and that's why he's honored to volunteer and play for the patients and staff. Kevin is also sketching characters for a coloring book for the patients and he's working on an anti-bullying campaign as well.
While there is treatment for TSC there is no cure. One million people worldwide have this disease -- 50,000 of them live in the United States. This May a fund-raiser will be held in Frisco to fight TSC. If you'd like more information or you want to get involved you can email triciachildren@att.net .