Volunteers rebuild fire-damaged home of Dallas veteran

Retired U.S. Navy veteran Al Hearne had been living in a shed behind his house after a fire damaged much of the home several years ago.
Wednesday, he is finally moving back in to his home.
Volunteers with the Home Depot and "Rebuilding Together Greater Dallas" assisted in refurbishing his home and property.
Hearne couldn’t afford repairs because he spends most of his money taking care of his family and making sure his elderly mother can stay in assisted living.
"Today when I got to the site, Al was here before he had to go to work and the man is literally in tears when you talk to him,” said Brian Worley, a Team Depot volunteer. “It’s just such an emotional thing for him to be able to see his home come back into a habitable state and then to be able to reunite with his family."
Volunteers say the veteran plans to pay the good deed forward by inviting his sister and her daughter to live with him at the newly renovated house.