Volunteers deliver Meals on Wheels for Christmas
DALLAS - While many people woke up and opened presents on Christmas morning with their families, others were hard at work.
From the assembly line, into the coolers and onto the road, more than 1,200 Meals on Wheels volunteers dedicated their morning to delivering meals and Christmas goodies to about 4,200 senior citizens in North Texas.
“It’s a real giving back to the community and isn’t that what Christmas is all about?” said Catherine Kraus, the president and CEO of VNA.
Many of the seniors getting meals are alone, homebound and otherwise wouldn’t have a Christmas.
“Many of us are very blessed with so much and our kids are opening gifts and such. It’s just so wonderful that the volunteers come out and they deliver Christmas gifts as well as the meal and some social nutrition to our homebound seniors,” Kraus said.
Keeza Foster is one of the volunteers. It’s the first year she and her family decided to help.
“I just wanted to do something to give back to the community and do something for Jesus Christ,” she said. “I could be doing other things but, you know, if I was sick and shut in I would want somebody to be able to help me out as well to where I would have a warm meal to eat on Christmas day.”
And for many of the seniors this Christmas, it’s much more than a meal. It’s about the gift of community and honoring the Christmas spirit.