Two years later, search for Miss Bevers' killer continues

The search for the person who killed Midlothian trainer Missy Bevers continues two years after her death.

Wednesday marks exactly two years since Bevers was killed when she showed up to a church in the early morning hours to set up for a work out class on April 18, 2016.

Investigators say their biggest clue is surveillance video of the suspect wearing makeshift tactical gear and walking through the church.

Bevers' family released a statement saying tips come in daily and that they are comforted by the Midlothian police department's continued efforts to find the killer.

"We are doing better with each passing day, but this date (among others) is tough on many levels. Losing Missy has been very difficult for all of us. The prolonged search for answers is just salt in a life-long wound,” said the statement from Missy’s husband, Brandon Bevers. “The investigation continues and tips still come in daily. The investigators have revealed some "out of the box" thinking on their part which continues to provide us comfort with their efforts. Despite the circumstances, we are very thankful for Midlothian PD's continual hard work."

Earlier this month, Missy’s daughter used a livestock auction to raise funds and awareness in the effort to find her mom’s killer.

A new detective was assigned to Missy’s case in February of this year to bring a fresh perspective. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Midlothian Police Department.