Tennessee man leaves $5 million to dog in his will: 'She’s a good girl'

Being a man’s best friend has paid off for this dog.

When Tennessee businessman Bill Dorris died late last year, the 84-year-old left $5 million to his 8-year-old border collie, Lulu

Dorris’ friend, Martha Burton, had already been watching Lulu for him for several years by the time he passed away, according to the report. Dorris frequently traveled and wanted someone to care for her while he was away, WTVF in Nashville reported.

"I don’t really know what to think about it, to tell you the truth," Burton told WTVF. "He just really loved the dog."

Lulu is "a good girl," Burton told the TV station.

The will specifies that the $5 million is to be placed in a trust to provide for Lulu’s care, and that the dog should remain with Burton, according to the report. Burton is to be reimbursed for normal monthly expenses as approved by a conservator managing the trust.

But just because Lulu the dog is now a millionaire, that doesn’t mean Burton will be buying lavish gifts or any other expensive treats, as it likely won’t be possible to spend all the money caring for one dog.

"Well, I’d like to try," Burton joked to WTVF.

It’s actually more common than many people may expect for pet owners to leave money for their furry friends after dying. Hotelier and noted tax fraudster Leona Helmsley left $12 million to her dogs after she died in 2007. Businesswoman Muriel Siebert left $100,000 to her Chihuahua named Monster Girl. And actress Lauren Bacall left $10,000 for care of her dog.

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