SWAT ends robbery spree in Fort Worth

 The Fort Worth police SWAT team arrested a robbery suspect early Saturday morning putting an end to a crime spree that spanned several hours.

Fort Worth police spokesman Tracey Knight says it all began at a 7-11 where an elderly woman and her disabled daughter had their purses stolen while they were buying gasoline. Knight says the suspect, and a female accomplice, distracted the two women and took their purses. A short time later a 13 year old boy was robbed outside another convenience store. Knight says the teen was beaten by the suspect. The youngster's injuries were not serious.

Knight says after the teen was robbed, the pair was driving on a nearby street and robbed a 14 year old boy. A relative saw the incident and came to the aid of the teen The suspect pulled a knife and attempted to stab the relative and the pair fought. The relative was beaten, the 14 year old injured in the attack and was taken to a local hospital.

Later Friday evening a woman in the parking lot at Hulen Mall says a man jumped into her car, threatened her with a gun and tried to take her purse. That woman started driving, dragged the man until her car collided with other vehicles in the mall parking lot. The suspect drove away in a green car. Several bystanders followed that getaway vehicle and gave police a licence plate number. Knight says officers spotted the vehicle a short time later and followed it. The suspect ran from the vehicle in the 4200 block of Standish road and ran into a home. The woman accomplice was arrested in the car. Knight says SWAT officers eventually were called to the scene and were able to get the suspect to give up.

 Knight says the man and woman are now facing a variety of charges.