Richardson PD: Body found near Farmersville likely missing woman
Police are still waiting to learn the identity of the female body found near Farmersville Thursday evening that is believed to be the missing Richardson woman.
The investigation into the disappearance of Jessie Bardwell took Richardson police to a field in rural Collin County where they also found tire tracks and car parts.
Sgt. Kevin Perlich says the 27-year-old was last seen about three weeks ago. Her boyfriend, Jason Lowe, is charged with her murder.
Police say the body is likely Bardwell's body because tips and electronic data from Lowe's vehicle sent investigators to the property near Farmersville.
“Due to that large span of time, there was just about any place he could have taken the body and dumped the body,” said Perlich.
Police believe Lowe made the nearly hour-long drive from the couple's apartment in Richardson to that location to dump her body. They worked late into the Thursday night with an FBI evidence recovery team to find the body. It was found above ground outside in a pile of discarded items and was partially covered by debris.
“They had the road blocked off lined with cop cars,” said Douglas Ratlif who lives nearby. “Maybe the family will get some peace now.”
Bardwell's family living in Mississippi realized something wasn't right on mother's day and came to Richardson to report her missing. Despite not having a body, police charged Lowe with murder based on blood and other evidence police found in his muddy SUV.
At the scene of the body, police found tracks that would match up with an SUV getting stuck in the mud.
“We felt he became entrapped in the mud and needed assistance getting out,” explained Perlich. “It appears that was the case.”
Patricia Eaves says the only way to get to where the body was dumped is through a private driveway.
“There's no way to get into that without going through the driveway,” she said. “You can't get in from the back. I used to run that property."
Perlich says police arrested two people who rented trailers on the property for outstanding warrants unrelated to this case. Robert Guinn was arrested on a traffic warrant and Teresa White was arrested on a parole violation. Police are investigating whether the two have any connections to Lowe.
Bardwell’s sister-in-law told FOX 4, “I hope that is her. I'm crying because I'm hurt so much that this precious life has ended in such a horrid way. She is so loved and I just can't believe this is happening to us. I know deep down this is Jessie!"