Renters, landlords facing challenges amid coronavirus pandemic
DALLAS - The first of the month means rent is due and paying it will be a challenge for many Texans left jobless by the coronavirus pandemic.
A Texas Supreme Court order stops evictions statewide through April 19.
Dallas County extended a ban on evictions to May 18 and Tarrant County halted eviction proceedings indefinitely.
However, tenants still owe rent and could have to pay late fees. They face back pay for the months they miss when the state and local orders expire.
Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson called on landlords to show compassion and try to work with renters.
“Have a heart. Have a heart. These are incredibly difficult times for everyone and particularly for some of our most vulnerable members of our community. Do not compound on our city’s problems by putting people out on the streets right now,” he said.

RELATED: Dallas leaders discuss rental assistance, small business relief
Landlords have bills to pay too. That’s why the Texas Apartment Association is encouraging property owners to work out payment plans.
Legally they can still post notices to vacate even while evictions are suspended. But renters cannot be forced to leave until they lose an eviction hearing.
LINK: TAA Info for Renters