Quinlan girl returns home after successful bone marrow transplant
A Hunt County girl who had a successful bone marrow transplant in February is finally back home.
Landrie Lay, 4, of Quinlan has spent the last five months in Dallas undergoing treatment. Landrie was diagnosed last November with a rare blood cancer that required a transplant. A donor was found in Germany.
Landrie spent 151 days at Children Medical Center Dallas before transferring to the Ronald McDonald house for aftercare.
“It's amazing. God it feels so good. Sleep in your own bed. Just be some sort of normal,” said mom Lindsay Lay.
Landrie underwent a bone marrow transplant back in February after doctors discovered she had a rare blood cancer known as MDS.
All of the steroids have drastically altered her appearance from when FOX4 first met her back in February, just days before a donor match was found in Germany. But her spunk and spirit remains intact.
Despite the progress, her difficult journey isn't over.
Every week she has to travel back to Children's Medical Center Dallas for treatment.
Every other week she undergoes photopheresis, a process where her blood is taken out, treated with UV light to kill bad T cells and put back in.
It takes a toll on Landrie and an IV drip is set up in her bedroom so she can stay hydrated. Her daily medication dose is overwhelming, even for mom who is a nurse.
“I drew up all of them in one syringe and it's like 40mL's of medication combined, which is a lot,” Lindsay said.
Still, the good news is Landrie is getting stronger every day. Her family is grateful for all of the community support.
“It's such a good feeling knowing she's home. We're not done with the journey but it's a big milestone to get her here,” Lindsay said.
If all goes as planned, Landrie should be done with her UV treatments in October. Her once-a-week check up's at Children's will continue until February, then it will drop down to every other week.