Mayor Rawlings launches 2016 Summer Reading Club

The mayor of Dallas kicked off his Summer Reading Club with a few friends Tuesday morning in downtown.
The Mavs Maniacs, Mavs Man, a few Mavs Dancers, Stars mascot Victor E Green, and students from the Pegasus School of Liberal Arts and Sciences joined Mayor Mike Rawlings for a celebration.
The reading club is a free eight-week program to encourage a lifelong habit of reading.
There are free books, weekly prizes and interactive activities for students this summer.
“Who likes to go to another world every once and a while? And you don't even have to get on a plane,” Rawlings said while talking to students. “You just have to get a book, sit in a chair and go to another world.”
Last year, more than 30,000 kids and adults participated.
To sign up, visit any Dallas Public Library or log on to Every child who registers gets a free book.