Fort Worth police release body camera video of shootout with burglary suspect
FORT WORTH, Texas - Fort Worth police released video showing parts of a shootout with a burglary suspect that ended with the suspect taking his own life.
On Tuesday, Dec. 12, officers were called to N. Beach Street on a call for a burglary at a business.
Police say they spotted a man with a backpack on the business' property just after 9 p.m.
The 35-year-old suspect told officers his name was Shane Miller and that he was a veteran.
"You got any weapons on you?" an officer says in body camera video.
"No sir," replies Miller.

Body camera video shows Miller suddenly taking off running.
One officer fired a Taser at Miller, but missed.
Miller then pulled a handgun from his waistband and began to open fire, according to police. Three officers fired shots at the suspect during the footchase in the area of many businesses.
"It was a run and gun battle, basically," said Fort Worth Police Chief Neil Noakes. "They were put in a position where they needed to protect themselves."
The officers' adrenaline escalates as they return fire, yelling at one another to watch out for innocent civilians or vehicles.
"For the three officers that fired, what we can tell at this point, one fired 18 rounds, one fired seven rounds, one fired two rounds, and the suspect fired 10 rounds," said Noakes.
The suspect eventually got away and officers swarmed the area.
Miller was on the service road on the north side of Hwy 121 when he trip and falls near a drainage area.
Video from a nearby camera shows he then sat up and immediately shot himself in the head. Miller was later declared dead at the hospital.
Chief Noakes talked about the bravery of his officers.
"Despite being shot at, these officers continued to run toward the gunfire to keep our community safe," said Noakes.
Fort Worth police say they found a gun and multiple loaded magazines near the body.
No officers or civilians were injured.
"We are very thankful more lives weren't lost to officers and residents as well," said Chief Noakes.
The investigation continues, including how traumatizing the incident was overall.
"These officers are trying to investigate a potential property crime and were immediately faced with a deadly threat situation," said Chief Noakes. "This is not anything any officer wants to face but we’re making sure they have the resources they need to process this."
The Fort Worth Police Department's investigation will forwarded to the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office for review.