Final preps underway for new agriculture exhibit at 2018 State Fair of Texas

The State Fair of Texas kicks off a week from Friday and final preparations are underway, including on a new exhibit called ‘Innovations in Agriculture.’
The exhibit teaches visitors about unique ways to grow high-yield, healthy produce indoors.
There's also a DIY element to the exhibit for people who want to build their own miniature farms at their homes.
“We're here to educate you know it’s a big focus of our exhibit this year. We want people to be comfortable and realize that it’s not hard,” said Drew Demler, director of horticulture. “We want to be able to display all different types of growing you know so when people come in here they can get a feel for something that fits for them.”
The exhibit is part of the Big Tex Urban Farms Initiative which provides education opportunities and fresh produce to South Dallas communities.