Fellow students attack 7th grader leaving him cross-eyed
HOUSTON (FOX 26) - 13-year-old Dustin Johnson woke up on March 29th looking like this.
“I see double and it’s very blurry,” Dustin said.
Dustin’s mother Amanda Anderson says she had no idea what had happened to her son the day before at school until he confided to his doctor.
“Then I called the school and they knew about it they had witnesses tell them about it the day it happened,” Anderson said. “They didn’t let me know anything.”
“They chased me around and when they caught me they tackled me,” Dustin said. “I got back up one of them body slammed me. I got back up they gave me shoves and I walked out.”
Anderson says school officials at Livingston Jr High School showed her video of the attack.
“Three boys approach him, he was running from them, when one of the biggest boys caught up with him,” said Anderson. “He body slammed him. He landed on top of my son, they both got up and my son was shoved back to the ground.”
“I feel worried cause if they can do this what else can they do,” Dustin said.
Anderson says only one of the boys who attacked her son was punished and all he got she says was two days in school suspension.
“They’re still there,” Anderson said. “There’s nothing they’re going to do to remove the situation.”
In a prepared statement a Livingston I.S.D. spokesperson says after a thorough investigation the district handled the matter under the Livingston I.S.D. code of conduct.
“They’re not taking any responsibility for this whatsoever,” Anderson said.
“Today they gave me death threats and told me they were going to hurt my head even more,” Dustin said.
In the prepared statement Livingston I.S.D. says there are profound inaccuracies in the mother’s account of what happened.
But when we asked the district to be more specific about that we heard nothing back. Doctors will wait to see if Dustin’s eyes correct themselves before deciding if surgery is needed.