Deal or Dud: Woof Washer 360
Dog owners know that bath time for the four-legged friends is sometimes a two-person job. And it’s safe to say you’ll also end up getting soaked.
But not anymore, say the folks who make the "Woof Washer 360." FOX 4 put the dog washer to the Deal or Dud test.
‘Social Pack Dogs’ is no stranger to a packed house. In addition to their canine customers, the facility also fosters four-legged friends for ‘Paws in the City.’
Radio host Dan O’Malley helps promote the pups on the Russ Martin Show and an upcoming concert for the cause.
“We do what we can to get the dogs adopted,” O’Malley explained.
The articulating wand and built-in shampoo dispenser is designed to surround your hound and give a full bath in less than one minute. In the ad, it's said to have a calming effect on the dog, which turns the cleaning chore into a bath time breeze.
It was good news for our test pup, Remmy, who hates the hose.
But would the Woof Washer work better? Remmy’s response was, well "ruff,” especially compared to the dogs on the TV ad.
So we turned our attention to Buster, a high energy dog, who not only needs a forever family, but also is a hose hound. Yet when we whipped out the Washer, Buster tried to bail.
The folks at Woof Washer 360 say every dog's tolerance to water is different. They add dogs overwhelmingly prefer the product's gentle streams of water to the harsh spray of a hose. If your dog isn't one of them, they stand by their return policy.
So is the Woof Washer 360 a deal or a dud?
“I’m gonna have to go with dud,” O’Malley said.
More information on the Woof Washer 360 can be found here:
A link to buy tickets for Saturday's Salinger concert benefiting paws in the City can be found here: