DART cites security upgrades for quick response to latest mob beating
The man who was seen on video being attacked at a DART station is sharing his account of the ordeal. Meantime, DART officials say everyone involved was ticketed as the investigation continues.
Larry Borner says he's the man that was beaten by a group including several women. DART says a fare enforcement officer reported the melee Wednesday as it was happening at the 8th and Corinth Street station.
RELATED: Video shows mob beating man at DART light rail station
"Our police responded within three minutes,” said DART spokesman Morgan Lyons. “A fare enforcement officer is not to go in and get involved in a fight. That's not part of their training."
DART officials clarified preliminary information and now say two women and two men were detained by officers as well as the victim. Investigators say the attackers claimed Borner had stolen a cell phone, triggering the beating.
"I didn't have nothing!” the victim told FOX 4. “They started, ‘You stole my phone!’ The laws apprehended me, and they seen I didn't have no phone."
"We've heard a variety of accounts from the different people involved,” Lyons said. “Ultimately, no one wanted to press charges. However, we cited two for assault and everybody received criminal trespass citations."
Just this week, the Dallas City Council praised DART Police Chief James Spiller at a routine security presentation.
This week's disturbing incident is the latest in a string of violent attacks for DART, but they insist that the recent security upgrades helped them respond more quickly this time.
“Called in support and were there within three minutes,” Lyons said. “We think that's a good response."
DART says Dallas Fire Rescue was called and the victim was treated at the scene. Borner denies that he got any medical treatment.