Dallas County judge goes door-to-door to explain legal system

A Dallas County judge gets off the bench and hits the street to help people get educated before they need to know their rights.

Judge Amber Givens-Davis hopes to teach people how the law system works with the help of others.

"With everything that's going on in America right now, I think it's important that people understand it before they encounter it,” Givens-Davis said.

On Wednesday she was going door to door in Oak Cliff with pizza to promote a recurring informational meeting she created on the court system.

She’s usually on the bench of the 282nd District Court presiding over criminal cases, but she likes to get out and interact with people.

The timeliness in terms of tension between police and the African American community in Dallas and across the nation only underscores how important it is to be informed, she said.

"I encounter people sometimes at their worst and I believe we could change the relationship with law enforcement if people were more comfortable with the process. If they understood how things worked,” Givens-Davis said.