Cruz talks transgender bathrooms at Texas GOP convention, avoids the topic of Trump
The Texas GOP convention wrapped up in Dallas, Saturday. Donald Trump stickers and signs sprinkled the crowd, but most attendees sported gear in support of U.S. Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz.
The Former presidential contender took the stage before a packed Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. Cruz made no mention of ex-rival Donald Trump, and he didn’t speculate on whether he would endorse him in the future.
SMU assistant professor of political communication Stephanie Martin says the absence of support for Trump could be telling for Cruz, “He just barely dropped out of the race and I would imagine he still has some sore feelings.”
Cruz also touched on one of the key issues in the political spotlight right now, transgender bathrooms. “We have entered the world of politically correct lunacy,” said Cruz “There is nothing in the Constitution that gives the president the power to be the bathroom police for the country.”
Martin says Cruz could be bringing up the issue to try and remind voters to vote republican, even if they’re not sold on trump.
Though Cruz didn’t endorse a presidential candidate on Saturday, he did leave the crowd with a message, “I don't know what the future will hold, but I want to encourage each of you to have hope.”
Though Cruz has suspended his presidential campaign, he has yet to release his delegates, which may include Cruz’s own father Rafael Cruz. He has been elected as a delegate in the Republican National Convention in July.