‘Pull Up For Tay’ event held to remember Atatiana Jefferson nearly 3 years after she was killed
FORT WORTH, Texas - Wednesday will mark three years since Atatiana Jefferson was killed.
As part of ‘Pull Up For Tay’ weekend, more than 100 of Jefferson’s friends, loved ones, and community members marched across Fort Worth Saturday with Jefferson's name on their minds.
They walked and drove by her mother’s home where she was shot and killed nearly three years ago.

"That house, my mom bought so that all her children could have a safe place to live," Jefferson’s sister, Ashley Carr, said.
Jefferson was fatally shot by former Fort Worth police officer Aaron Dean.
"It’s like a wound that won’t heal," Carr added.
Prosecutors said Dean was checking on the house, but never identified himself as a police officer before firing through a back window.
READ MORE: Atatiana Jefferson's family files $10M wrongful death suit
Jefferson was holding a gun and may have thought there was a prowler outside the home.
"Emotions haven’t changed. Just different ways of dealing with it," Carr said.
The back window is boarded up, and the room Jefferson was in is empty.
"Her room, I don’t go in. You know I haven’t healed like that," Carr said.
After several delays, Dean’s trial is scheduled to begin December 5.

RELATED: Aaron Dean trial set to begin on Dec. 5 for Atatiana Jefferson's murder
"Just anticipating to see what’s going to happen," Carr added.
Saturday, people celebrated Jefferson’s 28 years on earth.
"We want to make sure that we bring the community together," Carr said.
‘Pull Up For Tay,’ which is now an annual event, brings people throughout Jefferson’s neighborhood and closes with a cookout at Hillside Park.
"I hope she feels that she’s not forgotten and that you know this shows how much we really love her," Carr added.
A way to celebrate Jefferson, while providing a coping avenue for ones who miss her.