44th Mayfest happening this weekend in Fort Worth
FORT WORTH, Texas - It’s almost time for Mayfest in Fort Worth.
The family festival will kick off Thursday with four days of music, food, art, fun and games at Trinity Park along the Trinity River. There will be three dedicated music stages for 58 hours of live music and entertainment.
This year’s sponsor is the EECU Credit Union. They’re starting a new Mayfest tradition. Five children from Cook Children’s Medical Center and five runners will pair up Saturday morning for a 1-mile fun run so that the children can cross the finish line.
There will also be a 10K and 5K for everyone else. Participants can register online at www.mayfest.org/mayfest-run through Wednesday.
FOX 4 is a proud sponsor of Mayfest.
In addition to providing family fun, the goal of the festival is to raise funds to support community programs and recreational development of the Trinity River and Fort Worth City parks Mayfest has given more than $6.9 million to the Fort Worth community in its 43-year history.
Admission is $8 for adults and $5 for children 3 to 12 years old. Discount tickets are available at area Tom Thumb and Albertsons stores. Also on Monday, got to tickets.mayfest.org and use the promo code “44YEARS” for 44 percent off the price of tickets.
For a schedule of events, parking information and more, visit www.mayfest.org.