Weather forecast calls for less wind, more chill

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So far this week has been a real blast... a winter blast! But we'll shift from winter back to fall later in the week. 

Today the winds will slowly diminish and the cloudy skies should clear up in most areas by noon or afternoon. But the temps will again struggle to barely get above 40. 

With clear skies and lighter winds tonight, it will be colder (20-25 degrees) in most areas. Although you won't hear "freeze warnings," (because they usually aren't issued after the first widespread freeze) you still need to take precautions with your pets, plants and pipes.

Tomorrow there will be a lot less wind. The sun may yield a few clouds east of Dallas as the core of the cold air moves east. Temperatures will again struggle to remain in the 40s.

There will be one last freeze Thursday morning before south winds develop. That means temperatures will rise into the 50s Thursday and "normal" 60s by Friday with lots of sun. 

The next cold front arrives this weekend. We are ahead of it Saturday, so the 60s will continue. Behind it on Sunday the north winds will drop us back closer to 50. In between, it will turn cloudy at night with just a low 20 percent coverage of showers. 

Early next week clouds will move back in and some showers may be possible as early as Tuesday.