Va. woman's mission: Feed 30K people in a year using coupons
WOODBRIDGE, Va. - Plenty of people come up with special ways to celebrate milestone birthdays, but one Virginia woman has something different in mind. Lauren Puryear is 29 right now, and before she turns 30, she wants to feed 30,000 needy people in a most unique way.
Puryear started an organization to help the poor several years ago, but after a while, she couldn't afford to pay for all the food.That's when she started turning to the Sunday newspaper-- and specifically the coupons.
Neighbors donate their papers, her kids and their friends help sort out of the coupon sections, then she starts clipping and racking up the savings. She coupons hard-- to the point she gets many items for free. Puryear tells FOX 5's Lindsay Watts that entire meals can end up costing her as little as 5 cents!
When she realized how much she could save, she upped her charitable ante. Puryear has vowed to feed 30,000 people by her birthday next September.
"When I realized I was able to get food for free or close to free, I just knew that was going to be my golden ticket," she said.
It's not just the coupons. Puryear already knows what's on sale in the circulars at local stores, so when she sees a coupon in the paper or online for an on-sale item, she goes for it. It might be time-consuming, but matching up deals for maximum savings is worth it to help Puryear reach her goal. She pays for her mission in dedication and discipline.
"I was just lucky to find an avenue-- a way that I can reach my goal," she said.
Puryear has provided meals around the DMV as well as in North Carolina and New Jersey.
For more information or to make a donation, check out the Facebook page for the organization For the Love of Others, which Puyear founded.