Tips to declutter your home in 30 days
DALLAS - Consumed by clutter? Is procrastination a problem? Try these three simple solutions to get organized in the new year.
There are real studies that show the benefits of decluttering your space. But many people struggle with where to begin and knowing what to part with.
The Denial Pile
This is the just-in-case stuff. It’s the dress you never wear or the theme or specialty clothing.
If someone one day does host another "aliens meets tie-dye" party, you can get a new outfit. Get rid of the one you are holding onto.
Toss those uncomfortable shoes at the back of the closet and bulky items in your house that you never really use.
Goal clothing is also an important part of this category. It’s time to get rid of that pair of jeans you’ve been holding on to just in case you lose weight.
They likely won’t be in style if and when you reach your goal and why not celebrate your success by getting yourself a new pair?
If you must save stuff, limit it to one small box.

Time It or Trash It
This is the category for broken items – whether it’s a watch that doesn’t work anymore or a suitcase with a ripped zipper.
You may think you are going to get it fixed one day, but that hasn’t happened yet.
Set your timer today. Give yourself 30 days to fix it or forget it.
If you can’t get it done, then the item likely isn’t that important to your life, and you can get rid of it.
The exception would be broken sentimental items that really bring you joy.
Paper Clutter
Your kids’ artwork is almost certainly stunning. But do you need to keep the hard copy? And do you need to keep everything?
Instead of throwing everything into a drawer, try using a free photo or scanner app to convert their school and artwork into digital files.
Then invest in a digital photo frame to display some of their best work. The kids will absolutely love seeing their creations display prominently in your home.
Limit the hard copies you do save to a single box. The stuff that goes in it should be original works of art or papers with sentimental messages.
That same idea holds true for holiday and greeting cards. Toss the box of Christmas cards you’ll never look at again. Only keep cards with special handwritten messages.
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