Three young brothers in Houston need family to adopt them

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month.  Right now in the foster care system, there is a huge need for homes for large sibling groups. 

In this month’s Finding Families, Sally MacDonald introduces viewers to three brothers in need of an adoptive family.

From golf to soccer, the three brothers are energetic and smart.  Five-year-old Antwann showed us he counts to 100.

"50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100."   

Big brother Anthony is 7.  His caseworker describes him as caring and observant. 

The oldest brother, Artavius, is 8.  He loves Sonic the Hedgehog.  I asked what it would mean to him to get adopted.

"To be with another family and you’re going to stay with them forever until you grow up and get married and get children," said Artavius.

The boys have been in foster care for two years.  They would benefit from a family that is loving and patient.

 "They all have different personalities and interests, and we need a family that will have community support, be flexible and be able to have intentional time with each one of them depending on what they need," said Caitlin Brake with Depelchin Children’s Center.


Each boy has a wish.  Artavius would love a playground in the backyard.  Anthony wants a toy police car. Antwann wishes for new shoes.

Benefits of adopting these sweet boys include Medicaid coverage, monthly payments and free tuition at state college.  But more than that is the fact you can be the difference in helping them overcome a difficult childhood.

 "These boys they have one another and that is their family, and so we really want to make sure these boys can stay together."

If you are interested in adopting the brothers visit
