Texas launches statewide rental assistance program
DALLAS - A new resource is now available to Texans who owe back rent or bills.
The state's rent relief website is now live. Now is the time to take a look so you can have all of your documents ready when the application process starts Monday.
It's all part of the $1 billion in COVID relief for the state of Texas. Funds are now specifically available to help paying off back rent and utility costs.
The program is available to renters and landlords on behalf of their tenants.
The website for information is now live at texasrentrelief.com.

You can apply for assistance for costs as far back as March 13, 2020.
You can ask for three months of past-due current and expected rent and utility and home energy expenses.
After the initial three months of assistance, you can reapply for more money if there are funds available.
If you have a tenant who may not be proactive enough to request relief, landlords can request it based on what they owe you.
There are income requirements you want to be aware of. Those details are on the website.
Preference is also being given to households where one or more members are unemployed as of the date you request assistance or who were unemployed for 90 days prior to the date you ask for help.
For those of you who are thinking my landlord has already sued for eviction, a portion of the funds have been set aside specifically for households who are in that situation.
LINK: https://texasrentrelief.com
Number: 1.833.989.7368