Police association argues DPD’s new 72-hour video policy is illegal

The attorney for the Dallas Police Association believes the police chief’s new plan to quickly release video from “critical incidents” violates state law.

The new police announced Tuesday would make the video from things like officer-involved shootings and in-custody deaths public within three days of an incident.

Attorney Bob Gorsky said Chief Renee Hall’s new directive jeopardizes the rights and safety of victims of violent crimes and officers.

Previously video was released on a case-by-case basis.

Criminologist Dr. Alex Del Carmen also said he sees the new plan as a potential issue.

"The only concern that I have is the fact that you are releasing evidence. Even though the prosecutor is gonna have a chance to look at it sometimes prosecutors don't know what they don't know early on in the stages of an investigation," Del Carmen said.

In another reform, Chief Hall ordered that traffic stops by Dallas police be posted on its website each month and broken down by race and gender.

RELATED: Dallas PD to begin releasing ‘critical incident’ videos within 72 hours