North Texas churches stream Good Friday services online during pandemic
DALLAS - Churches are empty this Good Friday and they will remain empty on Easter. But for faith leaders, staying home won’t stop worship.
Church leaders told FOX4 they are thankful to see the large numbers of people who have utilized technology and have not given up on meeting together, even when it can't be in person.
Bishop Edward Burns, who oversees a flock of 1.3 million Dallas-area Catholics, believes the message of Easter is one needed now more than ever.

“These days you are finding so difficult and sad to be preaching to an empty Church, for the mass of the Lord’s last supper, today as we commemorate, Good Friday, tomorrow as we celebrate Easter vigil, saddens my heart, but gladdened by the fact so many are watching online,” Burns said.
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In Plano at Prestonwood Baptist, there was an offer for face-to-face prayer while at a safe distance.
“The mission of the church is still being accomplished. Even though we are out of buildings, Jesus never really intended us to hunker down inside of buildings anyway, he wants his church out into the world, that’s the church alive in Christ,” said Pastor Jack Graham.
This Easter, Prestonwood is planning to bring its choir together virtually. The church also has a plan for those who aren’t online.
“Many senior adults not hooked up to technology, so the good old fashioned telephone call and all our ministers and members are calling senior adults,” Graham said.
While the fear of a deadly disease surrounds all, this Easter takes on new relevance for the faithful.
“Whole story of Easter is the story of the greatest comeback in human history, when Jesus came back from the dead. His church is alive, others like us around the world, we will be back stronger than ever,” Graham said.