More businesses come out against voting bills proposed here in Texas
On Friday, Major League Baseball announced it’ll relocate its all-star game and draft away from Atlanta.
The league says it’s due to concerns over Georgia’s new election law.
RELATED: MLB moving All-Star Game from Atlanta in response to voting law
Meanwhile, more businesses have come out against Texas’ election law, though Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said Thursday that people are fed up with corporations dictating public policy.
While some have cheering corporations for taking a stance, it’s also alienating others.
MLB is yanking its all-star game and draft out of Georgia, citing its support of fair access to voting, just weeks after Georgia passed a bill modifying election laws.
Even their local leaders who don’t agree with the bill, say it’s a big blow.
"Our economy in Cobb County and Georgia depends on travel and retail. We certainly would have been uplifted had they chosen to stay here," Cobb County Commission Chairwoman Lisa Cupid said.
More, large businesses are also challenging Texas election changes under consideration.

GOP sponsored Senate Bill 7, passed early Thursday, adds security measures to Texas rules.
But it also adds what Democrats call restrictions, and what republicans say standardizes and clarifies rules on the time and location of early voting and the expansion of access and protections for partisan poll watchers.
While some call it transparency, others fear it’ll lead to intimidation.
"Those poll watchers are standing for the public, they’re there to make sure rules are followed," said State Senator Bryan Hughes (R) Mineola.
"Texas has an ugly and racist history of voter intimidation, so certifying this further is extremely concerning," said Charlie Bonner, with Move Texas.
Fort Worth-based American Airlines was the first major corporation to publicly oppose the Texas legislation.
RELATED: American Airlines opposes voting bill passed by Texas Senate
Microsoft, which has offices in Irving, sent a message to Texas lawmakers saying it fears a House election bill, HB6, which is in committee, would make it less convenient for people to vote by mail.
And founder of Texas based Dell, Michael Dell, tweeted: "Governments should ensure citizens have their voices heard. HB6 does the opposite, and we are opposed to it."
Mike Davis is an SMU professor who specializes in the intersection of business and government.
"I think more of what we’re seeing here is the corporation trying to somehow align themselves with a political, or cultural sentiment that they think is advantageous to the corporation," Davis explained.
It’s not the first time businesses have lined up against Texas legislation.
A bathroom bill died in 2017, with even some moderate Republicans expressing concerns over the business ramifications.
Davis said businesses tackling causes isn’t new, but sees what appears to be a change in the strategy.
"This seems to be the corporation not really trying to influence the legislators, so much as to trying to signal they are somehow on the ‘right’ side of the issue," he added.