Hometown Heroes: Roz and Rusty
Seven years ago, Roz Henwood took in a stray dog. Over the years, she felt he had the potential to be a certified therapy dog. She had him undergo the training, and he now helps her.
Roz is part of the Crisis Response Ministry. The organization helps support victims of crime, disaster or natural emergencies.
Roz works alongside the Grand Prairie Police Department helping citizens facing trauma or grief. Working with her is Rusty. The cattle dog is a love sponge. People can pet him and talk to him, and that helps them feel a bit better in times of crisis.

Rusty is with Roz three days a week in the Grand Prairie Police Department. The dynamic duo walks the hallways greeting officers and civilian staff.
Chief Steve Dye says that helps his employees. He calls Roz and Rusty part of the family in blue.
Roz has donated 1,000 hours of service each year for four years as a chaplain in Crisis Response Ministry. If you'd like information about volunteering, log on to www.crmtexas.org.