Grocery store clerk calms blind girl with autism

Photo: Amanada Wilkins/Facebook
A woman's Facebook post about a grocery store clerk showing kindness toward her disabled daughter has gone viral.
Amanda Wilkins, who lives in the United Kingdom, said she was shopping at Morrisons with her two daughters earlier this month.
"I have two children that are both registered blind and are also autistic," said Wilkins. "As you can imagine shopping is not an easy thing for me to do."
Wilkins said as she was checking out both of her girls decided to go into meltdown, but then something wonderful happened.
"This very kind lady decided to help instead of judge," Wilkins said. "It doesn't happen very often!"
Wilkins said the clerk, identified as Lin, distracted one of her daughters, Holly, by letting her scan all of the items.
"A dream come true for Holly who loves playing 'shops.' It melts my heart to come across people that are prepared to go the extra mile," Wilkins said. "And little acts of kindness makes a massive difference to my world."
Wilkins said she hoped her Facebook post, which was shared on the Morrisons Facebook page, would somehow get back to Lin.
The post now has more than 107,000 shares. Morrisons saw it and left the following comment:
"Well, I don't know where to start with this one Amanda just reading this story has brought a tear to my eye.
What an amazing lady (Lin) is and what a credit she is to our company, we are very proud to say she works for Morrisons and after reading Simon's comments below I can tell he is also very proud. Lin is a great role model for all of us here at Morrisons.
smile emoticon