Frisco ISD planning to launch permanent virtual school option starting next school year

(Photo by Matthew Horwood/Getty Images)

Frisco ISD has released its plans for a permanent, full-time virtual school option for students starting in the 2021-22 school year.

The Frisco ISD Virtual School would serve students in grades 3-12 at no added cost, and enrollment would be open to students who live in Frisco ISD boundaries.

The virtual school would meet all grade level and graduation course requirements, but those in the Frisco ISD Virtual School would not be able to participate in extracurricular activities, like sports and fine arts.

The virtual school will be taught by Frisco ISD teachers, who will use the district’s curriculum and be exclusive to the virtual school.

The district added that the Texas Legislature has not yet passed online learning legislation for next school year, so plans may have to be adjusted "based on guidance from the state."
