Flooding closes Decatur High School for one week
The clean-up is ongoing at Decatur High School in Wise County after flooding shut it down for this entire week.
The rain over the weekend caused a drain to collapse on the roof, sending water flooding into the building. Now, administrators and students are trying to figure out how to get back on schedule.
The damage is likely to be expensive. The district says it doesn't have a dollar figure yet for the repairs.
But kids are smiling after getting a mini-vacation of sorts just six weeks into their school year.
Some Decatur High School students look at the surprise week off differently than adults and consider it a sweet deal despite the unfortunate circumstances.
Student Hayden Copen spent the week much like he would any other week off school.
“We just ran around and had fun and acted like it was summer again,” he said. “We went to TopGolf. Got some ice cream. Went to look at classic cars, and I think it's been a really good day."
Heavy rain Friday and Saturday caused a rooftop drain to collapse. First-floor front offices were flooded while classrooms were largely unaffected by the damage. Officials chose to close for the week to repair and dry the building.
“Students get the week off this week, but we will have instruction that they'll have to make up and that'll be communicated out very soon,” said Principal Chris Mogan.
Extracurricular activities and band practice continued as planned.
Cale Bell watched his seventh-grade brother's game who was jealous since all other schools in the district remained open.
Some students got homework done and enjoying the rest of the week off.
Decatur High School plans to reopen on Monday.