Dallas ISD cafeteria workers featured on the cover of Time

DALLAS - Six cafeteria workers in the Dallas Independent School District are on the cover of Time magazine.
The latest issue honors heroes who are on the front lines in the fight against the coronavirus.
RELATED: Coronavirus coverage
Yolanda Fisher is the cafeteria manager at T.W. Browne Middle School featured on the cover. She said she loves feeding kids and feels the call to serve others.
Fisher and other food service workers have handed out more than 1 million to-go meals to students over the past two weeks.
“I’m still going to work because we’re still feeding the kids—it’s not just kids that attend my school, it’s any child that stayed in Dallas and they need a meal. And if a family is really in need, we give the adults a meal as well,” she told Time.
The 26-year food service veteran said her family fears that she will contract the virus. She worries about it too but believes serving is her purpose.
Other Dallas ISD workers featured on the cover include Porche Lacey, Keke Lafayette, Shannon Wiggins, Pamela Harrington and Katrina Parker.