COVID phishing scams on the rise as more people look for vaccinations
DALLAS - There’s a warning related to the vaccine for COVID-19 that has nothing to do with the quality or safety of the injection. Instead, it’s about impostors phishing for your personal information.
There have been coronavirus scams usually related to fake charities or fake cures. Now, a very real vaccine has become the focus of fraudsters. Here’s what you need to know.
There is no way to pay to jump the line when it comes to the COVID vaccine. Any email, text or call telling you otherwise should be ignored. In fact, the CDC or World Health Organization won't be calling you at all.

Once you are able to register to get vaccinated, remember you'll most likely do so either through a county website or your private physician with no need to supply any financial information. Any invitation to provide your registration information on a private event platform is also not valid.
For those who get one of those coveted appointments and roll up their sleeve, the COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be free to everyone in the U.S., regardless of health insurance. So if you get a surprise bill after the fact, look at it carefully. It is likely not valid unless you received other medical services at the time of your vaccination.
The FBI has reported an uptick in the number of websites offering to sell vials of COVID vaccine and warns none of them are to be trusted. Right now, vaccine producers are only selling to the government.