Superman's debut comic expected to sell for record-high at auction

A comic book being sold at a Dallas auction house is set to become the most valuable comic book ever sold at auction.

Action Comics #1 featured the debut of Superman 85 years ago. It is known as the most important comic book ever published.

The bidding is already at more than $5 million.

It goes up for auction on April 4 in Dallas as part of Heritage Auctions Comics and Comic Art Auction.

"This has always been one of the grails. Back in the 70s, this was the first comic where anybody had ever paid $1,000 for and then at some point it became the only one that was worth $100,000, then worth $1 million, then gone up from there," said Barry Sandoval, Vice President of Heritage Auctions.

Heritage Auctions says they expect the bidding to reach 6 or 7 million dollars.

The previous record for a comic book sold at auction was a Spider-Man comic sold for $3.6 million in 2021.

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Several other popular comics are also up for action, including Tales of Suspense #39, which marks the first appearance of Iron Man, and Detectives Comics #27, which featured the debut of Batman. 

There is also a letter from one of the creators of Superman that goes into little-known details about Superman's original origin story.

The auction is expected to run April 4 through 7. 

You can see more about the auction here.