Vandals slash Cub Scout canopies, camp equipment
KENNEDALE, Texas - More than 100 Cub Scouts who showed up for their final day of camp Friday were disappointed to learn that their site was vandalized overnight.
Kennedale police confirmed vandals slashed tires, a big tent, several canopies and even tore down the gun range and activity stations that were set up at Sonora Park for the Tejas Longhorn Council Cub Scout Day Camp. Portable toilets were also flipped over.
“The first thing is all the porta potties were down. They took the fencing from the lot and they spread it across the road. I couldn’t get into the park,” Scout parent Paula Kitchen said.
The damage happened sometime after dark and was reported around 2 a.m. Friday, police said.
The young boys and girls did their best to overcome the obstacle and still have a fun final day of camp.
“A lot of the boys were just very heartbroken,” parent Eric Bray said.
Bray’s son is 7 years old. This was his first scouting camp.
“To know that their last day of camp, with parents coming to see what they’re doing, what they’ve accomplished all week, it’s just very disturbing,” Bray added.
A huge tent, the camp centerpiece for more than a decade, was slashed and destroyed.
“We couldn’t even attempt to put it up because with all the cuts, the integrity of the tent is gone,” Kitchen added.
[REPORTER: “It’s ruined?”] “It’s ruined,” Kitchen replied.
Kennedale police said they are investigating the incident.
Some older Boy Scout volunteers shared their own perspective.
[REPORTER: “Did it put a little bit of a damper on the last day?”] “It did, because we’re all looking forward to the last day, having fun with all the kids, making sure we all have fun, and it just didn’t happen,” said Austin McFall.
They did, however, make the best of a frustrating situation.
“We assessed the damage, had a little cry and told the parents we are going to move them over there, and I want the kids to have a great day,” Kitchen said.