North Texas teen spent his Good Friday handing out face masks to help keep people safe during COVID-19 pandemic

A local teen spent his Good Friday giving back to the community while also working to keep everyone safe.

Akil Collins is the founder and creator of Grace 4 Race, a non-profit encouraging young people to be productive citizens and dream big.

The group also does various community service activities.

RELATED: Coronavirus coverage

While maintaining social distancing guidelines, Collins handed out face masks at four different locations, including a retirement center and local daycare.

"I started Grace 4 Race for reasons like this, to just help people when they're in need. Also to show people, even if you're young; if you're like a teenager, 7 years old, or even if you're older. No matter who you are no matter how old you are, you can still help out. You can still make your voice heard, and so that's what we did,” Collins said.

He said he was a little concerned being out in the public, but he and his team were very cautious.

Because masks are hard to come by, he said he wanted to help as many people as possible.

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