North Texans preparing to help with Hurricane Florence relief
First responders from across the country are heading to the Carolinas to help with Hurricane Florence recovery efforts.
North Texas relief agencies are among them, standing ready and prepared to deploy as soon as they get the word.
Dennis Clancy is the deputy director of field operations for Team Rubicon. The veteran-led non-profit disaster relief organization is actively watching the remnants of Florence as it continues to ravage parts of the east coast.
"North Carolina and South Carolina are still flooding right now. We are trying to identify those areas that we will be able to move into first,” said Clancy.
DJ Sprenger just returned to Dallas from Wilmington, North Carolina, identifying some of the hardest hit areas, so that when flood waters recede, relief workers can get in quickly and safely.
"We went out and started doing recon and damage assessments,” he said. "Kind of mark them on a satellite location and so, our teams here back at National Operations Center can look at that information that we're sending back and better inform the resources tool and personnel we'll need on the ground."
Clancy says he has 400 people ready to go in as soon as their given the green light.
"We're going to bring our chainsaws first. We're going to start moving trees and make sure people can get in their homes. We're going to bring muck-out gear, make sure all those homes that were flooded that we can get in there and try to save those homes so that they don't get demolished.”
Rand Jenkins with Texas Baptist Men says they are also watching and waiting to deploy 30 volunteers and relief aid from North Texas
"Once that water recedes, that's when most of our work begins.”
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