Wise County fire chief accused of stealing from fire department

Arne Wissmann (Wise County Jail)

The fire chief in New Fairview was arrested for allegedly stealing thousands from the Wise County city’s volunteer fire department. 

Arne Wissmann is charged with theft of property between $150,000 and $300,000.

He was booked into the Wise County jail this past Wednesday and then released on bond.

Theft Investigation

What we know:

According to an arrest warrant affidavit, New Fairview Fire Rescue’s previous fire chief and several of the nonprofit organization’s members became suspicious of Wissmann and contacted the Wise County District Attorney’s Office in October.

The previous fire chief told investigators he was still receiving copies of the organization’s bank statements. That’s where he spotted multiple payments made to a "shell company" that Wissmann owns.

NFFR members also told investigators Wissmann had not been following the department’s by-laws, which required a treasurer to oversee the finances and large purchases. They said he "was visibly nervous" when confronted about financial discrepancies, especially after fundraisers.


Pantego deputy fire chief admits to driving drunk in city vehicle, arrest video shows

The deputy fire chief's arrest originally wasn't made public, and neither was this video until FOX 4 made an open records request. After the arrest, he was placed on leave and then retired.

Investigators looked at the organization’s credit card and bank statements, as well as records for Wissmann’s company and his several personal bank accounts. They now believe he was funneling money from NFFR’s accounts to his company and then to his personal accounts.

In total, Wissmann is accused of stealing $156,415.85.

The affidavit states he confessed to investigators and admitted to manipulating the department’s accounting software so that it would not show payments made to his company.

"Wissmann appeared remorseful and agreed to cooperate with law enforcement," the document states.

What we don't know:

The arrest warrant affidavit doesn't mention what Wissmann was using the money for other than to say personal expenses.

Community Reaction

Why you should care:

New Fairview city officials released a statement following Wissmann’s arrest, saying they were disheartened to hear the news.

Officials said that while the city does have a fire protection agreement with NFFR, the department is operated by its members and not affiliated with the city.

"To the city’s knowledge, no city funds are involved in this alleged theft," the city said. 

Residents should not be worried about their safety.

"The City Administrator has met with the leadership of NFFR and has been assured that fire protection service to New Fairview business and residents will continue without interruption. The City will continue to work with the NFFR leadership as they regroup and move forward," the city said.

The Source: The information in this story comes a news release from the city of New Fairview, Wise County jail records, and an arrest warrant affidavit.

Wise CountyCrime and Public Safety