Nearly one month after being tested, Dallas PD officer learns of positive COVID-19 test

DALLAS - After being tested back in March and spending weeks in quarantine, a Dallas Police Department senior corporal learned Wednesday that they tested positive for COVID-19.
The officer had already been cleared to return to work after spending 25 days in quarantine.
This is the 13th DPD officer to test positive for the coronavirus, and five of those officers have returned to work. Two DPD civilian workers have also tested positive.
The latest officer to test positive starting experiencing symptoms on March 19, and was ordered to quarantine.
They went for testing on March 25, and then remained in quarantine.
RELATED: Coronavirus coverage
The officer was later told the test results were lost.
After spending 25 days in quarantine, the officer was cleared by DPD’s medical team to return to work on April 13.
On Tuesday, the officer was given a blood test to determine if antibodies were present, and their plasma could be donated to help others.
A day later, the officer learned that they had tested positive for COVID-19. The officer decided to donate plasma to be used for others who tested positive.