Morning anchor throws up during One Chip Challenge

Do you like spicy foods? Would you be willing to try what's being called the hottest chip in the world?

The brave morning team at KWGN in Denver took did the One Chip Challenge on-air Wednesday and it ended in disaster. The One Chip Challenge comes from the food company Paqui Chips, and it challenges people to eat one of its Carolina Reaper Madness chips. Carolina Reaper is said to be the world's hottest pepper. 

As the guys argued about eating the chip, the heat really hit anchor Natalie Tysdal. She had a really bad reaction after trying to wash down the taste with a sip of coffee. 

KWGN posted video on their Facebook page of what happened. We see Natalie leaning behing the anchor desk. 

"Oh! Oh! Natalie threw up!" one of her co-anchors says. "This is going very poorly, folks. Someone get her help. Seriously."

A stagehand is then seen coming out with some chocolate milk. 

She's doing fine now, but says the experience was miserable. 

She posted later that day on Facebook

"So, what really happened on TV this morning with the "one chip challenge?" I thought I was okay until I had a drink of my coffee to wash down the chip. I threw up, couldn't breathe and felt like fire was coming out of my mouth, nose and ears. I had a bottle of water, a glass of milk, a tablespoon of honey and 3 mints and still felt on fire. An hour later I had chills and a massive headache. Three hours have gone by and I feel like I was beat up in a dark alley. Oh, and did I mention I shared the chip with my producer Scott Elliott? CRAZY! I wouldn't recommend it."

Click here to watch the video on KWGN's Facebook page if you can't see it above. 

If you want to try the chips yourself, you can find them at
