Lewisville boil water notice lifted
LEWISVILLE, Texas - The city of Lewisville has lifted a boil water notice that was first issued early Sunday morning.
Residents have been asked to boil water since a 30-inch water main failed on Sunday.

21 Lewisville ISD schools shut down on Monday due to water concerns. LISD says with the boil water notice lifted, classes will resume as normal on Tuesday.
Water quality tests returned on Monday afternoon showed that the water is safe.
Water customers in Lewisville are asked to flush their home or business water system.
How to flush your water system
To flush your water system, there are a few steps you should take to make sure the water in your home is safe.
- Flush all faucets: Run cold water at every tap in your house for at least 5 minutes. This includes sinks, tubs, and showers.
- Flush water heater: Run hot water from a faucet for 40 minutes.
- Throw out old ice: Throw away any ice made while the boil water notice was in effect.
- Run an empty dishwasher cycle.
- Refrigerator water dispensers should be flushed according to manufacturer specifications.
- Flush automatic ice makers: Ice cubes should be emptied and run through a 24-hour cycle. Make three batches of ice and discard them.
- Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle.
- Get rid of water in humidifiers, CPAP machines, and other electric devices that collect water. Thoroughly clean all the machines before using them.
- Flush all toilets.
Lewisville water issues

The backstory:
Water pressure suddenly dropped for thousands of central Lewisville water customers on Saturday night.
Recent heavy rain last week may be what caused the 30-inch pipe to separate.
A spokesperson for the city of Lewisville explained by email that the pipe runs along a creek and sudden erosion along the bank forced a lot of heavy earth against the pipe.
The 25-year-old water line is one of the largest in the Lewisville distribution system.
The city says water service was restored within three hours, but the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality required the city to issue a boil water notice due to the temporary loss of water pressure.
Lewisville ISD closed 21 schools that were in the area of the boil water notice on Monday.
What they're saying:
"It was pretty shocking when we went to turn the water on, and it wasn't there. Immediately, we started getting ring notifications that something was going on," said Lewisville resident Peter White.
Nadirah Mitchell said she had to go to Flower Mound to find bottled water still on the shelves. Mitchell's baby is on formula, and she had to wash her bottles.
"It was a little scary," she said.
The unexpected day off was welcomed by Lewisville ISD students. Especially with the nice weather.
"It's a good day to have off. I can lie outside in the sun or go play in the park. The sun feels so nice!" said first-grader Peter Ostermiller.
The Source: Information in this article comes from the City of Lewisville.