Lake Worth flooding threatens nearby homes
Residents near Lake Worth are dealing with flooding for the third time in less than a year
Lake levels have been rising this week -- flooding parks and people's backyards and sometimes lapping at their back door. The lake passed the 595 foot mark overnight, which is when flooding begins to affect people nearby.
B.J. Lacasse and her neighbors went through this when most of North Texas flooded last year. This time it's all the rain that's filled lakes upstream, like Eagle Mountain Lake and Lake Bridgeport, which are releasing water.
"The water is usually at least 10 feet beyond those trees,” Lacasse said.
Most people have little buffer between their homes and the water's edge. The best hope for residents is that it stops raining.
Water could be seen gushing over the Lake Worth spillway on Thursday afternoon. The City of Fort Worth closed the lake’s boat ramps on Tuesday.