Keller ISD superintendent offers to resign during chaotic school board meeting
KELLER, Texas - Keller ISD’s superintendent offered her resignation during a contentious school board meeting over the possibility of splitting the district in two.
Thursday’s board meeting served as a speaker meeting that quickly escalated into chaos.
What we know:
More than 120 parents, teachers and community members rallied against the Keller ISD school board in a Thursday night meeting.
Many were hoping to get answers, but none were offered.
Trustees listened to what community members had to say but only discussed the split behind closed doors. They didn’t plan on taking any action.

For several hours, community members took turns speaking at the podium and abided by the agenda. However, the meeting quickly turned into a chaotic shouting match with no decorum.
Keller ISD Superintendent Offers Resignation
Keller ISD Superintendent Dr. Tracy Johnson became emotional, saying she didn’t agree with the split and didn’t agree with the way all of this was handled.

"I'll be honest: I don't want to be a part of it," she told the board. "I am prepared to offer my letter of resignation. I'm not doing it for theatrics I'm doing it because I have been in education for all kids and every child has an opportunity to learn and opportunity to attend Keller ISD.
What they're saying:
The concern from the community is that they felt blindsided by news that the district is considering breaking up into two separate districts. They also worry the split won't be equitable.
Parents and educators all had a similar message during Thursday’s public comment. They feel this decision is happening behind closed doors and demanded transparency.
"You chose to meet in secret, potentially illegally and absolutely in bad faith in what only can be described as a breathing breach of the public trust," one speaker said.

"I voted for you. I voted for you. I voted for all of you," another speaker said. "Your job is to represent all of the students in the district; not just the ones on this side."
Keller ISD School Board President Charles Randklev asked the audience to stop clapping after each speaker. There was also some back and forth between the audience and Randklev.
The board president at one point called for an immediate recess, which escalated the situation even further.
The majority of the board left the room for a break. However, two board members stayed behind.
Joni Smith and Chelsea Kelly have already made it clear on social media that they were blindsided back in December when the plan was presented to them in a closed meeting.
The other side:
Up until Thursday night, Rrandklev has cited financial struggles as the reason behind the need to split the district into two.
But after receiving backlash from Keller parents, two board members and Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker, Randklev seemed to change his tone.
The board president said Thursday that nothing has been decided and Thursday’s meeting was purely a discussion.
Can Keller ISD really split into 2 school districts?
Keller ISD is considering the idea of splitting the school district in two. But how would that work, and what steps are needed to make it actually happen?
The backstory:
The debate really came to a head over the past few days as rumors circulated through Keller as parents slowly learned about the proposed plan of splitting Keller ISD into two different districts.
Keller ISD parents argued the new district is in a less affluent part of the current school district and would lose access to newer facilities.
Parents pushed the decision of splitting should go to a public vote and should have community input.
What's next:
The board called for a break around 9:30 p.m. and went into executive session shortly after.
It's unclear how long the executive session will take place or if the board plans to accept Superintendent Johnson's resignation offer.
The Source: Information in this article comes from Keller ISD meeting agendas, Thursday night's board meeting and previous FOX 4 coverage.