Keller ISD discusses possibility of splitting the district in two
KELLER, Texas - A plan to split up the Keller Independent School District is up for discussion this week.
Keller ISD school board president Charles Randklev is framing the split as a "reshaping" of the district.
He said like other districts across the state, Keller ISD faces unprecedented challenges. And while other neighboring districts are closing campuses or cutting programs, Rendklev said Keller ISD will consider "reshaping the district."
Keller ISD to split into 2 districts?

What we don't know:
The school board president cited financial pressures are a reason for considering the change.
Rendklev hasn’t yet released details or confirmed rumors about how the district would be broken up.
However, there's been no public meeting on what would be a dramatic change. Parents and even some school board trustees say they've been left in the dark.
Keller ISD is the fourth largest school district in Tarrant County.
What they're saying:
Fort Worth City Councilmember Charlie Lauersdorf represents District 4, home to a large portion of the Keller ISD student population. He said he was not aware of the potential plan until someone in his district brought it to his attention.
"As far as I know, I’ve never seen it done, and others obviously haven’t either," he said. "So that’s what lending to a lot of fear, I believe."
So far, two trustees have voiced their opposition to the plan, saying it blindsided and shocked them.
"Decisions of this magnitude require robust debate, community input, and careful consideration. The detachment of part of the district will inevitably have lasting impacts on property values, school funding, district resources, and the educational opportunities for current and future students," said Trustee Joni Shaw Smith.
Trustee Chelsea Kelly echoed that statement saying she is "not okay with the way this has been rolled out or that our community has had no input on this idea."
Keller ISD, nonprofit launch fundraiser to pay student lunch debt to avoid 'alternative meals'
Keller ISD tells FOX 4 the lunch debt is already at $37,000 with just a few months into the school year.
Fort Worth’s Mayor Mattie Parker also said she does not support the move since part of Keller ISD is in Fort Worth.
Trustee Chris Coker said that while the idea is shocking, he wouldn’t be doing the job he was elected to do if he didn’t look at all the options for Keller ISD.
Parents like Anthony Nguyen aren’t making up their minds until all the facts are straight.
"Not until we get the whole truth. Not until then," he said. "Right now, everything's all rumors."
Lauersdorf knows parents, teachers and staff will make their voices heard to the board before any decision is made.
"They want their voices heard. That’s been made clear time and time again," he said. "And it’s showing its face again, where the community is saying again, ‘We want our voices heard. We want to be part of the process. Don’t shut us out.’"
But until then, people will have to wait for answers.
"I think once the school board has information that they feel they can present and ease some of those fears, I think they will," said Lauersdorf.
What's next:
Rendklev said the discussion would happen on Thursday during an executive session. Those meetings are not open to the public.
If the board decides to move forward with the idea, Rendklev said the board would present a plan to the public "in an open and transparent manner."
The Tarrant County Commissioner's Court will also discuss the topic Tuesday morning.
The Source: The information in this story comes from comments and posts made by Keller ISD trustees on social media.