Crane tips, nearly hits house in Irving

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A crane nearly fell onto a house Sunday in the Hackberry Creek neighborhood of Irving.

It happened around 11 p.m. after storms had passed through the area. Utility workers had set the crane up on Waterford Drive to remove a transformer behind a home.

The workers were reportedly testing the crane and getting ready to begin the work when one of the stabilizing legs of the crane sank into the wet ground.

The woman who lives in the home said her 14-year-old son woke her up to let her know he felt the house shake. She looked out to see the large crane at about a 45-degree angle above her home. Then she heard workers frantically banging on her door.

The woman, her son and her elderly mother were all about to get out safely. No one was hurt.

The utility crew brought in a second crane to stabilized the first. They will try to remove it Monday.