Healthier Pumpkin Latte
You can enjoy pumpkin spiced coffee without the guilt. Millicent Griffith, a nutrition program coordinator at LifeTime Athletic Dallas, shares the recipe.
Healthier Pumpkin Latte
12 oz. coffee
1 scoop collagen peptides
1 tbsp canned pumpkin
Pumpkin pie spice to taste
Bonus: Add 1 tsp of grass-fed butter for richness
*Stevia to taste if preferred
Blend it up in a blender or with an immersion mixer.
Pumpkin Pie Shake
Milk or milk alternative
4-5 ice cubes
1 scoop protein powder
1 tbsp of canned pumpkin
Pumpkin pie spice to taste
Bonus: Add in some spinach to get some greens and antioxidants!
Blend ingredients together until shake reaches your preferred consistency.