When is the first day of fall? When is daylight saving time? Your questions about fall answered

The weather may not show it, but summer is coming to an end.

So before you grab your pumpkins spice lattes and start getting ready for sweater weather FOX 4 is answering your questions about the fall.

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When is the first day of fall?

Fall officially begins Thursday, September 22 at 8:04 p.m. central time.

That's the official time when the Sun moves across the Equator, meaning the Northern Hemisphere will start to see more darkness than daylight.

This is known as the autumnal equinox.

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How many minutes of daylight do we lose each day?

You have probably noticed we have been losing sunlight since the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, on June 21. Around the time of the autumnal equinox, we lose about three minutes of sunlight every day. This slows down the closer we get to the winter solstice December 21. Around the beginning of winter we lose about a minute of daylight every three days. 

The exact amount of light lost depends on how close you live to the equator.

When is Daylight Saving Time?

Once fall hits people start wondering about when it is time to turn their clocks back an hour. Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 6 at 2 a.m.

This March, the US Senate unanimously passed the Sunshine Protection Act to make Daylight Saving Time permanent across the country, ending the practice of adjusting the clocks.

The House has not taken the bill up for a vote. 
